Dawn Lee Anardana Powder | Pomegranate Seeds Powder | Relieves Acidity | Promotes Healthy Digestion | Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

“in ayurveda, it is highly valued for its medicinal properties and is often used in traditional remedies. ”anar dana powder, known as pomegranate seed powder, is made from grinding dried pomegranate seeds into a fine powder. It is also commonly used as a flavoring agent and a nutritional supplement in cuisines and daily diets.

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Sold by: Dawn Lee
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Dawn Lee Anardana Powder | Pomegranate Seeds Powder | Relieves Acidity | Promotes Healthy Digestion | Reduce Bad Cholesterol
Estimated Shipping Cost: ₹78.75 | Estimated Delivery in: 3 days