Jus’ Amazin Creamy Organic Peanut Butter Choco Delight (500g) | 26.7% Protein | Clean Nutrition | 82% Organic Peanuts | Superfood Raw Cacao | No Refined Sugar | Zero Chemicals | Vegan & Dairy-free | 100% Organic

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹430.00.

Jus amazin creamy organic peanut butter – choco delight, with 26. 7% protein is a unique blend of 100% certified organic bold java peanuts and superfood raw cacao (super-rich in anti-oxidants), with some organic jaggery and organic khandsari sugar. It provides clean nutrition, with zero junk (no refined sugar or chemicals or preservatives). – every spoon of this chocolate peanut butter is packed with macro-nutrients (high protein, dietary fiber and healthy fats) and naturally occurring micro-nutrients (anti-oxidants, vit e, vit b1, zinc, folate, copper, manganese). – perfect for a healthy breakfast meal or a mid-day snack to keep you fuller for longer! Our easy to spread chocolate peanut butter is perfect on toast, with fruits, pancakes, crackers, with oatmeal / muesli, mixed in a smoothie or to make a healthy dessert.

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Estimated Shipping Cost: ₹45.00 | Estimated Delivery in: 4 days
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Jus’ Amazin Creamy Organic Peanut Butter Choco Delight (500g) | 26.7% Protein | Clean Nutrition | 82% Organic Peanuts | Superfood Raw Cacao | No Refined Sugar | Zero Chemicals | Vegan & Dairy-free | 100% Organic

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Estimated Shipping Cost: ₹45.00 | Estimated Delivery in: 4 days