Jus’ Amazin Creamy Organic Peanut Butter – Unsweetened (500g) | 31% Protein | Clean Nutrition | Single Ingredient – 100% Organic Peanuts | Zero Additives | Vegan & Dairy Free

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹380.00.

Jus amazin creamy organic peanut butter – unsweetened, is made with just 1 ingredient – 100% organic bold java peanuts, and nothing else. Every jar of organic peanut butter is full of clean nutrition and the natural flavour of organic peanuts, without any preservatives or additives or any sweetener / salt. It is packed with both macro-nutrients (protein, dietary fiber and healthy fats) and micro nutrients (vitamin b1, zinc, folate, magnesium). Best enjoyed on toast, with fruits, in a smoothie or mixed in with a bowl of oatmeal / muesli.

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Jus’ Amazin Creamy Organic Peanut Butter – Unsweetened (500g) | 31% Protein | Clean Nutrition | Single Ingredient – 100% Organic Peanuts | Zero Additives | Vegan & Dairy Free

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