Maha Herbals Talisadi Churna

Original price was: ₹81.00.Current price is: ₹69.00.

Being rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and expectorant properties, combats recurrent cough, cold, congested and soar throat, flu and fever. Reduces chest and nasal congestion get rid of excess catarrh particles and stops nasal discharge. Highly effective in asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illness. It is a powerful digestive stimulant eliminate abdominal gas and in turn reduces abdominal distension, constipation, bloating and gaseous cramps. It also give relief in ibs and enhances appetite.

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Sold by: Maha Herbals
SKU: VM_57877 Category:
Maha Herbals Talisadi Churna
Estimated Shipping Cost: ₹45.00 | Estimated Delivery in: 3 days