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Agar agar is a versatile hydrocolloid completely soluble in boiling water special agar agar powders can be dissolved at lower temperature for delicious pudding, ice creams, jellies and bakery etc falooda, salad dressings, various household foods, confectionary
Agar is derived from seaweeds of the class Rhodophycea. Agar – a world of products depend on it In Microbiology Biotechnology Food Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Dentistry, etc. It acts as a stabilizing thickening and gelling agent. Agar Agar is used as a 100% vegetarian substitute for Gelatin (manufactured from animal bones/skins) in the food industry . This usage is fast gaining ground due to the worldwide shift to products of vegetable origin. Agar-Agar has been used for many centuries as a high performance gelling agent.Its abiity to produce clear, colourless, odourless and natural gels without the support of other colloids has been long exploited by the food industry as a stabilizing and gelling agent. Agar-Agar gels at 35-45C and melts at 80-95C
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