Jus’ Amazin Creamy Almond Butter – Unsweetened (125g) | 25% Protein | Clean Nutrition |single Ingredient – 100% Almonds | Zero Additives | Vegan & Dairy Free

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹290.00.

This delicious and nutritious protein packed creamy almond spread / butter (with 25% protein), is made from only 1 ingredient – 100% premium californian almonds, and nothing else! It provides clean nutrition, with zero junk (no refined sugar or chemicals or preservatives). It is packed with macro-nutrients (high protein, dietary fiber and healthy fats) and micro-nutrients (vit b2, vit e, calcium, iron, manganese, copper). Since it is high in dietary fiber, low in net carbs, and unsweetened, it is also diabetes friendly & keto friendly. – best enjoyed on toast, with fruits, in a smoothie or mixed in with a bowl of oatmeal / muesli.

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Jus’ Amazin Creamy Almond Butter – Unsweetened (125g) | 25% Protein | Clean Nutrition |single Ingredient – 100% Almonds | Zero Additives | Vegan & Dairy Free

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