Maha Herbals Chitrakadi Vati

Original price was: ₹90.00.Current price is: ₹81.00.

Chitrakadi vati is a potent digestive stimulant medicine used for following healing properties. Aam pachak (detoxifier) antispasmodic, stomatitis, carminative, fat burner. Chitrakadi vati is helpful in following health conditions: loss of appetite, constipation, ibs (with sticky stool and mucus discharge in the stool), gas or flatulence, bloating, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, weight loss (obesity).

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SKU: VM_57799 Category:
Maha Herbals Chitrakadi Vati
Estimated Shipping Cost: ₹45.00 | Estimated Delivery in: 3 days