So, you have decided to abandon the exploitation of animals. Perhaps this decision will be one of the most important in your life. Congratulations and welcome!
We want to give you everything you need in the early days, weeks or months of veganism.
We hope this short guide will make your transition to vegan easier. You must get into the habit very quickly, you just need to take a little time to study the necessary information.
A vegan diet is a completely plant-based diet. All aspects of veganism are important, but more and more important, because the largest number of animals is exploited and killed specifically for food. It should be the beginning of our lives.
Vegans do not contain products obtained from animals, including cows, pigs, chicken or other birds, fish, dairy and crustaceans, dairy products, eggs, milk and everything that has them in their composition as ingredients.
Given the wide selection of plant foods and recipes provided.
What should I do right now?
Exclude all animal products from the diet. Let the next meal be vegan!
We suggest you use the following schemes for compiling your first vegan diet:
- Think about what vegan dishes you already eat.
It can be stews, pasta with different sauces, cream soups. Remember some of these dishes.
- Most of the usual dishes can be made vegan:
You can cook 100 different types for every taste and color!
- Now you can begin to study the whole variety of vegan cuisine. And do not forget about seasonal vegetables! Vegans also need vitamins.
Harmless foods may contain animal ingredients. To avoid buying such products, read the formulations.
Clothing, shoes, household items
We may not be aware of how much the exploitation of animals is woven into our daily lives. All this is more than obvious that there are dozens of other things: products that can be found in your favorite family blanket, and in your nose, in your beloved grandmother. Any animal materials are not vegan, including wool and silk.
These things will have to be abandoned. This may not be easy, but we should not continue to use products of violence against them.
Of course, we understand that few can afford the complete renovation of the wardrobe and bedding in one sitting. This is not a big deal: if you don’t have the financial ability to do it right away, when the opportunity arises.
Warm clothes and shoes made of synthetic and plant materials can be found in almost any store today. We are gathered on our site.
If you live in a harsh climate, we advise you to pay attention to winter jackets with new synthetic insulation, such as Thiosulfate and DuPont.
The topic of wearing clothes from animals causes heated debate even in the vegan community. Some of them argue that animals should be “killed in vain.” But after all, they died in vain. Nowadays there is no need to exploit and kill animals. Perhaps the worst way to honor their memory.
Cosmetics and household chemicals
Many personal care products, toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, makeup and household chemicals also contain animal ingredients. In addition, these products can be tested on animals.
Unfortunately, all drugs are tested on animals, therefore, not vegan. Many of them also contain animal components. But you still need to be treated!
Animal entertainment and buying animals
Vegans and vegans do not attend circuses, dolphinariums and oceanariums, rodeos, bullfights or any other events in which animals are used for entertainment. Given the wide variety of other recreational activities, there is no reason to use animals for these purposes.
You may ask, “What about zoos?”
Vegans and vegans do not visit zoos in which animals are held for allegedly educational purposes. They also oppose the use of animals in films and television shows and the continued breeding of domesticated animals as pets.
A simple rule: if the use of animals is wrong, then it is wrong regardless of whether it seems “reciprocal”, whether the animal seems to be “well cared for”, whether the animal provides “educational” benefits to people, and so on. This includes a wide variety of types of exploitation, in which animals are kept in slavery for human gain.
Do not buy animals, even for reasons of salvation.
Thousands of free animals live on the streets and in shelters, who also need a home.
- If you can help the animal in trouble – be sure to do it.
- If you believe that animals have moral value, then veganism is just the starting point.
Veganism is not a distant finish line that only the most ideological zoo defenders are destined to achieve. Veganism does not require a long journey or gradual steps. It requires only your decision to refuse to participate in the exploitation of animals.
You can start now!